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Review: The Help

Thursday, June 23, 2011


The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Reviewed by Lisa Norsworthy

The Help is set in Jackson, Mississippi, the very epicenter of the Civil Rights Movement, in 1960. Apparently, any self-respecting middle to upper class family had a black maid in those days. The middle class could afford it, because even though there were minimum wage laws, no one abided by them and the black community has absolutely no ability to assert themselves without severe financial or physical retribution. Most black people could not even register to vote, because of severe intimidation.

We hear the story of Abileen and Minny- black maids- and Skeeter who, although white and privileged, is restless for a challenge and change. Skeeter begins to have an awakening to the degradation and humiliation these women endure, and with great risk to everyone, decides to document their stories.

As Christian readers, I am aware there is a difference in tolerance regarding questionable content. This book is not a Christian book. There is minor swearing and one of the main characters says she prayed to a God that she neither liked nor believed in. However, Abileen is someone who faithfully goes to church and prays every evening for hours, writing in her prayer journal.

I absolutely love this book. The writing and character development are superb. It is hard to believe this was a common practice only 50 years ago, and while I am sure there is still a lot of room for improvement, the progress that has developed through the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is amazing. The irony that these white families would not let their “help” use their bathrooms, because they were “diseased”, and yet basically had them raise their children, is astounding.

Also, if you do read this book, make sure to read the notes by the author in the back. Her perspective of this somewhat autobiographical story is extremely interesting.

New Author Preview

Friday, June 17, 2011

We have a new Author Preview. Take a peek at the first three chapters of Ancient by K.T. Kimbrough, by clicking on the Author Preview link in the menu to the upper right of the screen. Go ahead. You know you want to.

Happy Reading

John Hileman
Managing Editor
Christian Fiction Book Reviews

Author Preview

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

There are only two days left to take a peek at our current Author Preview, Chasing Pharaohs by C.M.T. Stibbe. Click "Author Preview" in the menu to the upper right of the page, to get a free preview.