If you love Christian Fiction, you are in the right place. You will find book reviews, author interviews, and commentaries, on a variety of Christian Fiction. The information here will be presented in an easy to follow and easy to read format, that will allow you to get to what you're interested in quickly. Our goal is to get you plugged in to the stories your interested in, and to help you discover new stories in a way that is both entertaining, and engaging.

Enjoy your stay, and God bless you for sharing your time with us.

Hailee: Frontier Fiction

Monday, August 29, 2011


We are giving away a copy of Hailee, by Penny Zeller. Leave a comment on this post, with your e-mail (if we don't have it yet), so we can let you know if you are the winner. Runs AUG29-SEP3

CFBR: We are excited to hear about your latest novel, Hailee. What is the hook?

Penny Zeller: Hello, thank you for allowing me to be a guest on Christian Fiction Book Reviews. It’s great to be here. Following is the blurb for Hailee, the third book in my Montana Skies Historical Romance Series:

For years, orphan Hailee Annigan was just a ragamuffin in the Cincinnati streets, stealing food to keep her two younger brothers fed. Her thievery landed her in a home for delinquent youngsters, where her life was changed, thanks to her teachers. Now, nineteen-year-old Hailee excitedly heads to Montana to be a teacher, yet she's still plagued by her shameful past and the fear of never seeing her brothers again.

Based on his upbringing in high-society Boston, no one would have guessed that Maxwell Nathaniel Adams Jr. would attend seminary and become a church pastor in rugged Montana. Even now, Nate's parents refuse to put aside their own plans for his future and accept his calling.

When their paths converge, an immediate attraction draws Hailee and Nate together, even as the pressures and demands of others pull them apart. Can the unlikely pair come to terms with their pasts and face the future together?

CFBR: Who is your favorite Character and why?

Penny Zeller: My favorite character would be my heroine, Hailee Sophia Annigan. I love Hailee’s character for her fierce determination and her spunk. I love her compassionate heart, her strong faith, and her sweet spirit.

CFBR: What can Christian expect to get from the story?

Penny Zeller: My passion is to write books that impact lives for Christ. For the Christian reader, they can expect to share in Hailee’s pain and sorrow, as well as the joy she experiences. They will watch as her faith wavers and her heart breaks at the losses she experiences in life. They will share with Nate as he struggles to release to the Lord burdens he was never meant to carry. My books are character-driven, and as such, throughout the book and with a variety of characters, readers will catch a glimpse of struggles with forgiveness, Salvation, rededication to Christ, and the hope of a new life.

CFBR: How long does it take you to complete a novel? 

Penny Zeller: This is a great question. Actually, it really varies. Sometimes it can be as little as two months and sometimes as long as five or six months. I think my average would be about three months for the first draft. However, I give my books and my writing to the Lord, so I’m learning to write on His schedule.

CFBR: What advice would you give to a fledgling author?

Penny Zeller: I offer several writing helps on my blog, at http://pennyzeller.wordpress.com/sticking-with-writing/ including how to stick with writing and information about how to prepare for a writer’s conference.

I am humbled how the Lord has placed me in a mentoring position for new writers through a Writer’s Bible Study. When I chat with a fledgling author, I ask what he/she envisions themselves doing for God’s Kingdom and how can I pray and encourage him/her in that pursuit. One of the most important things to remember in being a writer is that if God has called you to write, He will guide you, one step at a time.

In November of 2000, I gave my writing to the Lord. I quit my fulltime job with a social services governmental agency so I could stay home with my infant daughter. That was the start of my career, beginning with magazine articles. I would advise a new writer to give his/her writing to the Lord and to not give up! I speak from experience when I say that when He closes one door, He opens another (much better) one.

CFBR: If you weren't a writer, what would you be doing?

Penny Zeller: Probably a television talk show host for a Christian TV show. I think that would be a lot of fun! 

Thank you again for having me as your guest!

I love to connect with my readers at my website www.pennyzeller.com,
My humor blog (A Day in the Life of a Wife, Mom, and Author) www.pennyzeller.wordpress.com,
On Twitter at http://twitter.com/pennyzeller, and on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Penny-A-Zeller/96391560959?ref=ts where I post updates about new books, giveaways, events, and Just-for-Fun Fridays.

Book by Penny Zeller at Amazon

Kaydie (Montana Skies V2)  McKenzie (Montana Skies #1)  Hailee (Montana Skies V3)  77 Ways Your Family Can Make a Difference: Ideas and Activities for Serving Others 

Erin Healy: Supernatural Mystery

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Review By Lisa Norsworthy
The Promises She Keeps by Erin Healy

Chase is a 30-year-old autistic man with a savant-like talent for drawing, and a knowledge of trees. He awakes to the voice of his father--who has been missing in action for over ten years--telling him to draw a certain tree.

Porta Cerrato, an aging woman adept at witchcraft, opens an art gallery in Chase’s hometown, and uses her evil craft to influence people, while searching for a person she believes has the key to eternal life.

When Chelsea, Chases’s devoted twin sister, brings Chase on his usual walk over the same route one Saturday, she is shocked to see him deviate from his usual routine and enter Porta’s gallery. The pictures he is being told to draw all have recipients and Chase eerily knows who they are and why they need them.

In the meantime, Porta’s son, Zac, comes to know a young woman with cystic fibrosis. Because she knows her lifetime is limited, she is obsessed with becoming famous so she will not be forgotten.

All of these lives converge into a suspenseful, supernatural story of evil, greed, and the quest for eternal life. But, ultimately, it is child-like love, perception, and loyalty that are victorious. It can be difficult to find a story with supernatural elements that are not contrary to scripture but this tale unfolds in a way that doesn’t leave the Christian reader uncomfortable. Because a main theme of this story was the desire for eternal life, I was left wishing the author had emphasized that Jesus was the only true answer especially in Promise’s quest.

Erin Healy developed the characters nicely, and the uniqueness of this thriller was engaging. I look forward to Healy’s next work.

Book at Amazon by Erin Healy, alone and with Ted Dekker.

The Promises She Keeps  Never Let You Go  The Baker's Wife  Kiss  Burn

Supernatural Christian Thriller

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Review by Teisha Priest
Visit Teisha's blog at http://www.teishknits.com/

David chance sees messages. They tell him what will happen. One of the messages saved his life, but now they are directing him to take action that could end up costing him his life. Are these messages from the dead? Is it some genetic mutation? Or, could it possibly be God speaking to him? David is just an ordinary guy with a family, but these messages have landed him in the middle of a conspiracy. Will David follow them regardless of the cost? I don’t want to say too much because I don’t want to give the story away! If you enjoy supernatural thrillers, drama, intrigue and action then Messages is right up your alley.

In the very first chapter, David begins seeing messages in the words around him. The story takes off from there and continues its fast pace through to the end. There are enough clues to give us a hint of what’s really going on, but enough twists to still keep us guessing. I stayed up late two nights because I was so intrigued by the story that I couldn’t put it down! The main character is the type of “average-Joe” that most of us can identify with. David is not a believer, but the messages that have embroiled him in extraordinary circumstances also lead him to search for answers.

The book is as much about his spiritual journey as it is about his quest to unravel a terrorist plot. Messages fits into the “speculative fiction” genre, as does John’s first novel, VRIN: ten mortal gods. Even so, it will appeal to those who enjoy dramatic thrillers as well. Messages is a solid second novel for John, and we’ll definitely be watching for his third! If you missed John’s first book, VRIN: ten mortal gods, then you can read my review here. Both of his novels are available through Amazon in Kindle and paperback formats. To keep up with what John is writing, visit his blog.

Interview with Teisha Priest for CFBR

Christian Fiction Book Reviews: You’ve written two novels that have been published so far. Was the writing process pretty much the same for both books, or did you find it different the second time?

John Michael Hileman: Most of VRIN took place in a Fantasy world of my own creation. It's pretty easy to write about a world that doesn't exist. No one can say, "Hey! There aren't any stairs in front of the Blah Blah Blah museum!" When you're writing about a man hunting for a dirty bomb in the streets of Boston, you need to have a working knowledge of Boston and the surrounding area. Since part of my childhood was in the suburbs of Boston, I have a good idea of how things work. The internet filled in the blanks.

CFBR: What drew you to the speculative fiction genre as a writer?JMH: I like being able to create scenes no one has ever created before. Speculative fiction offers a canvas for that kind of out of the box thinking. Plus, alternate realities allow you to examine the principles and precepts of God from another perspective.

CFBR: What has the publishing process been like for you?JMH: Lots and lots of waiting. Writing a book is merely the beginning of a vast journey. If you set foot on the road, prepare your heart to enjoy the walk, because there aren't' many rest stops on the way.

CFBR: What’s been the most difficult part of the writing/publishing process for you?JMH: Overcoming doubt. When I started as a writer, I wanted success, and I feared failure. God has shown me that success is not in the quantity of people who love you, but in the quality of people who love you. It is fair to say, my readers have given me more than I could ever give them. I no longer wonder if I was meant to write, because I have a stack of e-mails from dear friends, who remind me how important what I do is.

Just last night I got a letter from a concerned mother who asked whether or not my latest novel would transform the heart of her Atheist son. I shared this insight. A stonecutter was once asked, "which strike of the hammer broke the stone?" The stonecutter replied, "The first. The last. And every one in between." I don't know if my book will be the strike that breaks her sons hard heart, but knowing that I am partnering with someone of such great character, gives value to the work I put in to writing it. 

CFBR: There has been the suggestion that Christian authors should not write any sort of fantasy/science fiction type novels. What are your thoughts on the topic?JMH: I don't think most Christian outright object to fantasy and science fiction. It is more of a cautious apprehension--at least towards science fiction. As Christians we must guard our minds against the enemy of our souls. He is continually pleading his case through all forms of media. He wants to sow seeds of doubt in our minds, and turn us away from the truth. Since truth is so important, most Christians stick to stories that are grounded in reality. Most science fiction starts with a premise that is a lie, like: in thousands of years mankind will take to the stars and meet other life forms. This premise is silly and fanciful as Gene Roddenberry wrote it. But Christian authors tend to put Biblical truths into everything they write. As soon as you turn Star Trek into an Allegory, you've lost your Christian readers. They cannot take the story as pure fiction, because you've injected the real God into it.

As for Fantasy, that is more of a witchcraft/magic issue. God tells us to avoid such things. And yet, most fantasy stories have some form of it mentioned.

I believe science fiction and fantasy are like firearms. They are only as dangerous as the person wielding them. I don't know about you, but I'm thankful police carry firearms.

CFBR: What are your favorite books? The ones you read over and over.JMH: I did most of my heavy reading before I was right with the Lord. The only books I read over and over--lately-- are mine.

CFBR: When you write, do you prefer background music or quiet?JMH: I like it quiet. I'm easily distracted.

CFBR: Any words of wisdom for aspiring speculative fiction authors?JMH: Tread carefully. You will be accountable for your actions.

CFBR: Do you have any other novels on the horizon that we should be watching for?JMH: Yes I do. But I can't tell you about it. It's super duper top level secret stuff. All I can say is, I've been working on it for the past eight years, and it has one overriding theme: the holiness of God.

CFBR: We will be looking forward to it! Thanks for the interview John!Both Messages and VRIN: ten mortal gods are available through amazon in Kindle and paperback format.