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Christian Science Fiction

Friday, September 10, 2010

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Is there a place for Christian Science Fiction? The universe depicted in Star Trek tells us we are evolving, and that there are some civilizations behind us, and others so far advanced, we would consider their peoples gods. In Star Wars we see good and evil set in balance, and God as nothing more than an impersonal force. In Battlestar Galactica the Cylons believe in a singular god, while the humans believe in multiple gods. The world is full of such stories- stories of futures far beyond our present time, where God's plan is little more than a distant memory, and we as Christians go to these places in our minds eye. We spend time with the inhabitants of other planets, though God doesn't speak of any created being beyond man. We envision the creation of cybernetic shells which will one day have the capacity to contain the essence of who we are, yet have the advantage of immortality. Does this not have an effect on us?

I am of the opinion, that Christian Science Fiction is vital. The overwhelming influence of Darwinian Science Fiction alone merits the needs for Christian authors to put pen to paper. We must offer stories which depict creation as the underlying truth. This world needs more books which tell the story of immortal life as a dark tragedy, rather than something to desire. Yet the Science Fiction author must contend with the ever judgmental eye of the Christian audience. As authors we are only human, and cannot spin perfect tales. There will be imperfections. But do we throw the baby out with the bathwater? Can we not get more insight and truth from a writer who loves God, than from a writer who denies His existence? What are your thoughts?

John Michael Hileman: is the Managing Editor of Christian Fiction Book Reviews. He is also a television producer, author, and columnist. His first novel, VRIN: ten mortal gods, is available where books are sold. His second novel, Messages, will hit the streets in the 4th quarter of 2010.


Teish said...

I agree that it is VITAL for Christian authors to tackle the realm of science fiction. I admit that I can be somewhat critical in the sense that I find too little Christian science fiction that is really well-written, and manages to blend spiritual themes seamlessly into the story. When I read fiction, I want a good story. If the story is mediocre or the spiritual truths seem "tacked on" then I lose interest quickly.

I think that science fiction is a genre where there is great potential for the Christian writer. So many important issues have been tackled in science fiction, because it is a less threatening way to question accepted mindsets and social issues. We, armed with our Biblical worldviews, have the opportunity to introduce readers to real solutions and real truths. We have so much more to offer than just an idealistic dream for the future! We have the chance to tell the reader about the God who stands above all of space and time, the One who created it!

I shall now stand down from my soapbox. :-)

John Hileman said...

Wonderfully said. I too detest a book that tries to throw in Christian themes where they do not fit. I want real characters dealing with real situations, and nothing pulls me out of that space faster than contrived themes.

John Michael Hileman
Managing Editor

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