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Stephen Lawhead: Fantasy #3

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

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The Skin Map: day Three of the three day blog tour.

I would like to end this review series by saying, this book is a pleasant read, if you go into it expecting a leisurely pace. The concept of lay lines being used to travel through space and time is a great concept, and I'm sure, in subsequent books, the mystery will begin to unfold. It just doesn't unfold in this book.

The redeeming thread in this story is that of Mina, which is actually quite unexpected. Lawhead paints her as a rigid, temperamental, bean pole, with an outdated taste in clothing-- a description that lead me to believe that she was only a side character, there to show me how sad the protagonist Kit Livingstone was for settling on her as his girlfriend.

As the story progresses, we see Mina forced out of her comfort zone, and placed in an environment much more conducive to her growth as a human being. This transformation, along with the unique idea of her starting, what may possibly be, the first coffee house in the entire world, we begin to see the potential of Lawheads talent. He is brilliant with narrative and nuance, but lacking in the application of suspense and tension-- at least in this book.

All this being said, I would read another book by Stephen Lawhead. My only advice is, "speed it up man!"

Remember to add a comment if you want to win a copy of The Skin Map.

Grace and Peace

John Hileman
Managing Editor of CFBR
and author of VRIN: ten mortal gods


Find more information about Stephen Lawhead at his webpage HERE.

Or pick up a copy at Amazon: The Skin Map (Bright Empires)

Other stops on the Stephen Lawhead blog tour:


Tori said...

I also really liked Mina's story line, and her development as a character. I had the same impression that she was only a side character at the beginning, but I'm really glad she ended up being more central.

Stephanie D said...

Free give away on this book? :)

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