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Launch of Nickels by Karen Baney

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

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Sorry. This promotion has passed. For Christmas, ten Christian authors are offering their books for 99 cents! And if you buy three books, you get one very special book for free. See the link on the right side of the page, to take advantage of this Christmas Kindle Offer.

To promote this event, we asked these authors what it was about their last book that made them want to write it? This is what they said ...

Nickels by Karen Baney
What made you want to write it, Karen?

Karen Baney:  There were several reasons I wanted to write Nickels. I have yet to hear of a romance book about a woman software engineer. It’s no surprise. I am one and I know that we are still a rather rare breed. But, I thought it would be fun to take my experience and weave it into a love story.

Another reason I wanted to write this book was to honor the military. I use many aspects of the military life for Niki and Kyle’s back stories and flashbacks. I love our military and have always had close ties in one way or another with our service men and women.

Lastly, I wanted to tackle the challenge of writing a non-believer’s perspective about church and Christian friends. I grew up in the church and accepted Christ at a very young age, so I wanted to really delve into what a non-believer thinks just prior to conversion. I think so many people at all stages of their walk can relate to this struggle.

The Hugenot Sword by Shawn Lamb
What made you want to write it, Shawn?

Shawn Lamb:  I’ve always loved historical fiction and couldn’t get enough of swashbuckling stories, like Dumas or Rafael Sabatini. As a teen, I had a major crush on D’Artagnan. While other girls swooned over Mr. Darcy, I wanted to fight beside D’Artagnan and the Musketeers. I even took up fencing. So, as a result I began writing my own swashbuckler. Only during my research I learned about Henri, Duc de Rohan, a key Huguenot leader who is credited with almost singlehandedly withstanding Richelieu and keeping the Huguenots alive. I came to admire Rohan for his integrity and stance. Swashbuckling aspects remain, but The Huguenot Sword is a story of personal faith and the struggle to survive against incredible odds and persecution.

My Emily by Matt Patterson
What made you want to write it, Matt?

Matt Patterson: As a reader, I love to find true stories that tell of tragedy, victory and/or redemption. As a writer, it's been my hope that I can share a story or experience that can help someone who has gone through a similar circumstance. My Emily is an effort to tell the story of our daughter who was born with Down syndrome, diagnosed with leukemia and the lessons learned from her life and sadly, her passing. In the Bible it tells us if a friend falls, to reach down and help them up. My Emily is that effort.

Growth Lessons by Naty Matos
What made you want to write it, Naty?

Naty Matos:  Growth Lessons was born from my own journey back to God. I have been in church most of my life and even got saved young, but I had not internalized how God wanted me to live my life. I had not bought into the full surrendering my life under the care and will of God. I had strayed from his love and mercy and upon returning I found myself not knowing what to do and how to live my Christianity. As I ran into challenges , this time I finally understood that the answer to all my questions were found in the word of God, so I searched, found my answers and wrote about it. I shared some of those lessons, and still do in my blog and visitors started telling me how they were impacting their life. That’s when I knew that it was time to share them with a bigger audience, because it may not be for a 1,000, but it may just be for the one who God is trying to lift up through his word like he did for me.

Cowboy by Staci Stalings
What made you want to write it, Staci?

Staci Stallings:  There are so many, many hurting and lost people in the world--some we would never suspect because they look like they have it all. The outline of the story Cowboy came in a dream one night as so many of my stories do. The dream was about this country singer who everyone thought had it all, and then I got the chance to sit and talk with him and I realized how miserable he really was. So in Cowboy, Beth is the one who gets to sit across from Ashton (though she doesn't know who he is) and hear about how life has tried to take him out of the game, about his heartache, and about the things he doesn't think he can share with anyone. And in the story, the one who has it all is on the edge of calling it quits is saved by the one who seemingly has nothing. Cowboy taught me that we may never know how much difference one small act of kindness can make in our lives and in the lives of others... so BE KIND, even if what you do seems small to you. It could change someone's world forever.

Messages by John Michael Hileman
What made you want to write it, John?

John Michael Hileman:  I came up with the idea for Messages while driving through downtown Bangor Maine, one summer afternoon. My mind was drifting, as it tends to do, and I took note of how many words surround us in the hum drum of our daily lives. Words are everywhere. And I wondered, what if God wanted to communicate with me through those words? How would I know it was really Him? This idea blossomed into a plot line that really excited me. If it were God, then he would know the end from the beginning, and that would make a great story. The thrill of coming up with all the ways God would reveal things, or prepare the protagonist for his next encounter, pulled me right into the writing process. For instance, what if the main character was told to pick up a single bullet and place it in his pocket. The reader would have to read on to find out what he was going to have to do with that bullet. This is what made me love writing my last book.

Tamed by Sarah Witenhafer
What made you want to write it, Sarah?

Sarah Witenhafer:  We had lost our business. Our church had dissolved. Friends had vanished. Our savings was gone and our marriage near collapse. I had been taught that such trials required giant faith, and only prayer would see us through. There was only one problem. I didn’t wanna pray. I didn’t care if I never heard from God. He was only going to tell me what I wasn’t doing anyway. Strangely enough, I did want to write a redemption story about a man (who’s ancestor was a demon) confronting God. Go figure. The story possessed me, and I wrote every second I had a chance. Between the lines, through early mornings and dark nights, God pursued me. He circled me through my research, often tying verses back to the day’s topic. He talked to me through characters, and He called me back through their love story. At the same time He led my husband to discover me all over again by helping me edit the book. By the end, we both felt the power of God’s love more than we ever had, and our marriage was completely restored. Apart from God’s word, there will never be a book more important to me than Tamed.

A God Who Speaks by Jonathan Dillon
What made you want to write it, Jon?

Jonathan Dillon:  I wrote the book, “A God Who Speaks”, out of sheer desperation.

My wife and I attended a conference where there was a short talk on listening prayer. We tried it, and had amazing results. We heard from God and we both heard the same things (we write down what we hear on separate pieces of paper, then compare after the fact). Suddenly, we knew what God’s will was for us. Conflict in our marriage was resolved, and God began to do huge things in our lives.

Word got out, and soon we were talking to small groups, individuals, and couples. We couldn’t keep up. Finally, someone suggested we write down the basic points and meet with people after they had already finished the basics. Well, ten pages turned to twenty. Twenty turned to fifty. Finally, it ended up at around a 130 page workbook, and we hear from people all over who finally hear from God in a real way.

The Elite of the Weak by Precarious Yates
What made you want to write it, Precarious?

Precarious Yates:  I wrote The Elite of the Weak after spending 11 years as an abolitionist supporting different organizations and speakng out about sex slave trafficking. I thought it was deplorable that I didn't know anything about this until I was 22. I was sure there was a way to communicate to teens what happens without going into inappropriate details, so I sat down to write it in fiction. Also, I spent 2 years reading the book of Revelation once a week and studying it verse by verse. After 3 days of prayer I suddenly got the idea of how to weave these two passions of mine together: abolition and Jesus returning in love to judge the earth and release the oppressed.

Give the Lady a Ride by Linda Yezak
What made you want to write it, Linda?

Linda Yezak:  The idea for Give the Lady a Ride tickled my funny bone, and I just had to write it. A petite little lady who "reeked of Yankee" riding a bull? Is that great or what?! Making her succeed at her quest was the most fun I've had in a long time. Bringing her back to the Lord was even better.

We at Christian Fiction Book Reviews, would like to thank all the authors for sharing what inspired their books. If you have seen any books that excite you, remember, they are all 99 cents from Dec13 through Dec15. And, if you grab three, you get another book for free. You can't beat that with a stick!


Linda Yezak said...

Love this, John. What a brilliant idea! The reasons everyone had for writing their books was humbling for me. All I really wanted to do was make people laugh. But if they see themselves in Patricia's "Return to your First Love" story, I'm doubly blessed!

KarenB said...

So fun to see everyone's reasons. I love how God can use tragedy, joy, and humor!

Unknown said...

Have a Fantastic Wednesday

Batman said...

I'm all on top of this, as soon as the money in my Paypal clears :)

Sonicberg said...

The stories of the author's and how they came to write each of these books is great to know. Everyone has a different muse.

Debbie Miller said...

Love that authors are offering books at such a discount! Great for the holidays.

x said...

Excellent. Hope you all have great sales to share your work this holiday season!

Debra Eckerling said...

Great support of authors! Keep up the good work!

Sukhraj Beasla said...

Interesting list. Thanks for compiling the suggestions.

MItch Devine said...

At 99 cents, the price is certainly right! Great way to promote new authors.

Rory from Enjoy Life Book Reviews said...

Nice idea, and a bit different to the usual review-style.

It's great to get a glimpse into what the authors were thinking and feeling while penning their books.

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