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Review: The Scent of Rain

Friday, October 12, 2012

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The Scent of Rain
by Kristin Billerbeck
Review by Nikole Hahn

Daphne Sweeten is left at the altar in The Scent of Rain by Kristin Billerbeck. It’s a story of overcoming difficult obstacles, trusting again, and falling in love.

Daphne met and fell in love with Mark. The truth about Mark came out after he and his family never showed up at their wedding. In response, Daphne and her bridesmaids ate the top of the wedding cake, took her signature perfume scent she had created as party favors, and the job waiting for her in Dayton, Ohio.

What I loved about Daphne is her unique personality and her love of archery. It’s not often in women’s novels you find a love of that weapon or any weapon. As a hunter and outdoorswoman, I can appreciate Daphne’s desire to work off stress by shooting archery.

The trouble stirs when Daphne loses her sense of taste and smell shortly after being left at the altar. Her new job in Dayton, Ohio requires her nose. She creates scents and she doesn’t know how to tell her sexy new boss, Jesse that they are going to have to rely on her science to put together new smells for Gibralter’s line of household products.

Mark, however, has not disappeared from the novel like he disappeared from the altar. He has taken Daphne’s job in Paris, France, and is even trying to manipulate Daphne to hand over the last ingredient to her signature scent. He is trying to make it his scent. Mark also stole half of the down payment for their new house and bought a shabby house with a gas leak for her to live in Ohio. Daphne’s father takes Mark to court to get his money back and Jesse becomes the hero in Daphne’s life when he rescues her from the gas leak.

There are a lot of secrets and raw personalities at Gibralter. Jesse lost his wife to an allergic reaction to some medicine making him a widower long before Daphne’s arrival. Jesse and his boss have power struggles and there’s this gorgeous marketing woman who has some sort of power over Jesse’s boss. Daphne struggles to overcome being left at the altar and to hold on to her faith while she forges a life of her own.

The end is quite surprising and leaves me satisfied. I loved Kristin’s use of slang in the dialogue and humor when Jesse’s little boy decides to stick raisins up his nose. For anyone who has had siblings or children, you would immediately laugh and relate to this little boy. I gave this novel five stars. It’s a light-hearted read for any age who loves contemporary romance.

Books by Kristin Billerbeck at Amazon


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