If you love Christian Fiction, you are in the right place. You will find book reviews, author interviews, and commentaries, on a variety of Christian Fiction. The information here will be presented in an easy to follow and easy to read format, that will allow you to get to what you're interested in quickly. Our goal is to get you plugged in to the stories your interested in, and to help you discover new stories in a way that is both entertaining, and engaging.

Enjoy your stay, and God bless you for sharing your time with us.

A prayer for this website

Sunday, August 22, 2010

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Psalm 127:1 Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it ...

I ask you Lord to build this house. Let this website be yours. Let its contents honor you, and its words bring hope to the hearts of all who visit. Please draw to this place those willing servants who labour to write the words you have given them. Let there be no division amongst your children. Make this a place for all to freely consider the greatness of who you are, without judgement. Your truth is water to our souls, and your ways are like a fresh spring. In you is no shifting shadow. You are a rock. Though we are ever wavering, you remain still, unchanging, our anchor through the storms of life. Bless these stories and these authors. Bless these readers, who seek your water for their dry bones. Allow them to find adventure here, and taste of the mysteries you have left for us to uncover. But most of all, allow us to amaze them, as you have amazed us.


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