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Amish Fiction: Laura V. Hilton

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

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Promised to Another by Laura V. Hilton
Review by Mary Hake

Schoolteacher Annie Beiler may not fit the typical Amish persona, but she steals your heart as she seeks to find her own true love. She’s feisty and spontaneous, but also a thinker and a lover of history. Attracted to one of the transplanted boys from Pennsylvania, Annie wonders why Joshua Esh seems to pay attention to every girl but her. When her former beau returns from the “Englisch” world to reclaim her, Annie balks. She no longer cares for Luke, but how can she convince him?

Joshua has his own secret, which he keeps from Annie even as their relationship develops. Will his deceit cost him her love? Continued misunderstandings threaten to drive them apart. Yet, other circumstances are at work, along with potential tragedies. How can any good come from all the negatives in their lives? Unexpected plot twists make this story one you’ll remember.

Laura V. Hilton’s third book set among the Missouri Amish completes her “Amish of Seymour” series. I’ll miss these wonderful and intriguing characters. She did a great job at bringing the people and place to life. It seems so real I wish I could visit them.

Books by Laura V. Hilton at AMAZON


Marta Perry said...

Love Laura Hilton's work, so I'm looking forward to reading this new one!

Marta Perry

Mary Hake said...

I reviewed her previous one also in my FB notes--set as public.

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