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Speculative Fiction: Len Du Randt

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

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Son of Perdition by Len Du Randt
Review by Lisa Norsworthy

Son of Perdition is a speculative fiction book about end times, reminiscent of the wildly popular book Left Behind. As the title suggests, this book is about the rise of the Antichrist, the rapture and the tribulation.

Trevor is a call center rep in South Africa. The son of missionaries who were martyred, he has grown to be a bitter atheist. He avoids his brother Norman who takes every opportunity to talk to him about God. Norman and Trevor have a mutual friend, Andrew, who professes Christianity, but when the rapture takes place and Norman is gone but Andrew is still here, it only serves to deceive Trevor into denying that the event was the rapture.

Malcolm is a husband and father of two and a devout Jew who lives in Jerusalem. Imagine his shock when Elijah shows up at their Seder feast shortly before the rapture happens. His young daughter disappears in the rapture and he denounces his rebellious teenaged son for exploring Christianity.

The author does an excellent job describing how the world is so ready for the deception of the Antichrist, and the blind devotion that will pervade the world. Trevor’s conversion is very slow to happen as he struggles with deception and doubt. Malcolm struggles with the blindness of tradition. The excitement builds as the tribulation saints gather to stand against the Son of Perdition.

Usually, I don’t recommend speculative fiction for a new believer because I am not sure they will be able to differentiate between what is in the Bible and what is the author’s imagination. Although you may disagree with some minor elements of this story, they shouldn’t be a major stumbling block to anyone new in the faith. In fact, I would recommend this to an unbeliever because the author does an excellent job describing their doubts and conflicts. He also convincingly depicts the horror of the tribulation, but also the excitement and hope of the Lord’s return. As a believer, I was reminded that my life is very short in light of eternity, and I need to be ready!


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